Firstname Lastname

Your Position · Additional Program (related to your specific position/funding; e.g., DDLS Postdoc, DDLS PhD Student, EC Postdoc, IceLab Postdoc) · your/pronouns

(Three emojis) Five words about your research

Five words about yourself/anything (Three emojis)

🧬 About me

Hi there! My name is [your name], and I'm a [your position] in the CompMicroLab @ UmU. I'm interested in/I research...(a sentence or two about your current research)

Feel free to add pictures and a caption; here, the pictures are all squares, so if you make yours perfect squares, they should fit here! You can also remove this section if you don't want pictures!

🔬 My current research

A more in-depth description of your research, if you like! Feel free to take up as much or as little space as you like (and feel free to exclude this section from your profile if you like!

More pictures if you like! Feel free to exclude if you want!

🌎 My scientific journey

Feel free to detail your past educational and research experiences here (or omit this section from your profile if you like!)

More pictures, if you like! (As always, feel free to omit)

😎 When I'm not playing around with (meta)genomic data, I'm...

...a sentence or two on your interests/hobbies/life outside of science (feel free to omit this section!)

More pictures, if you like! As always, feel free to omit this!

📩 Profiles and contact information

Google Scholar · GitHub · ResearchGate · ORCID · E-Mail